I often hear that I must teach you to fly.
And so -
I teach you to talk and to run.
I teach you to read and to write.
I teach you to work hard and to stay focused.
I teach you to build and to solve.
I teach you to count and to create.
And I think... You will fly.
But there's more.
Before you leap from this nest, I hope you'll look back and say -
"You've taught me to follow my heart and to be gentle with other hearts.
You've taught me to speak my feelings and to listen well.
You've taught me to look for the good in someone and then tell them I see it.
You've taught me to care for my soul - to find calm in nature and to get quiet in prayer.
You've taught me to ask for help and to give help.
You've taught me to forgive and to apologize.
You've taught me to connect with compassion and to relate with understanding.
You've taught me to cry when I need to and to laugh without holding back.
You've taught me to process my hard emotions and to set boundaries for what I tolerate from others.
You've taught me to read the under layers of a situation and to react in the way I'd like to be treated.
You've taught me to be firm in my beliefs and to remain open to those of others.
You've taught me to be loyal and to show up.
You've taught me that our people come first and to make time for one another.
You've taught me to be patient and to give grace.
You've taught me to love deeply and to hope always.
You've taught me to nurture and to appreciate relationships."
And I'll smile and say... I think it's going to be a beautiful flight.
-Words by Emily Roussell
Susan Campbell
January 06, 2024
How do I sign up for your blog. Thank you.