Tuesday Traditions!
There’s a quote from Hellen Keller that always makes me think of Christmas.
One of the things I love best about traditions is exactly the sentiment of those words - the treasured feelings.
So I look for little ways I can stir those warm Christmasy feelings within my people that are easy to reproduce year after year.
Christmas dishes are one of those simple traditions in my house.
At the start of the season, the regular plates get swapped out for my vintage tree plates (scored them years ago at a thrift shop in Burlington VT). We have another cupboard that holds plastic plates as easy grabs for the kids, and the Santa dishes move in and take their place. It takes maybe 5 minutes at the start and end of each season to make the switch, but every day they serve as visual reminder - telling our hearts ‘this season is special.’
Small and simple.
A beautiful truth about traditions is the way the memories we make from them layer and blend as the years go on. It allows something like an easy plate swap to grow in meaning. There’s anticipation for them to come out because they’ve come to symbolize a time in the house that usually means more togethernesses, more focus on family and faith, and more time at the table lingering over meals that fill our bellies and chat that fills our hearts.
Christmas dishes.
(As always, would love to hear your traditions!)
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