It's just another day...
I kissed my kids as they headed out the door for school, and I felt myself freeze while I heard my soul whisper a prayer.
"Please God."
Two words. That's all. The rest of the words have failed me.
I don't know what to say anymore. None of us do.
It's become a dreaded routine for us now.
Kiss our babies, hold them tight, and whisper a prayer, a desperate plea that they might be safe this day at school.
Because there was a time when culturally we were shocked by school gun violence. We were broken, but we still believed in our nation's ability to put children first. Except... 'We the people' haven't. Instead of banding together to establish meaningful reform for prevention, we've accepted this as a new normal.
Just another day.
Get the kids ready, pack the lunches, line up the backpacks... pull them close and whisper a prayer that feels so big there's only room for two words.
"Please God."
Just another day.
Instead of outrage, we're despondent.
Instead of children first, we're politics first.
Instead of meaningful gun laws or funding for mental health programs in schools, we teach kids how to hide beneath a desk.
Instead of confidence that our country can pull together and do what's necessary to make schools safe, we smile and say "Have a great day," while inwardly haunted by what continues to happen.
Just another day I guess.
Please God.... May we never accept this as normal.
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